Times Seven

Gurus say that whether you are giving healing or are waiting at the deli line, any energy you give comes back to you magnified seven times. I have been meditating for twenty minutes so far this morning and it’s hard to tell if I am making a positive effect in the world.

But when you give love to a dog, a being whose physiology is seven times faster than ours, with accelerated metabolic processes, body temperature, respiratory rate, and rate of aging; when you embrace the speedy span of their lives and target them with the most excellent vibration you can summon, it is as if the energy you give is doused with a forensic love dust that is seven times faster than human love and the results develop in front of your eyes. Before you know what is happening, something golden takes seed in the heart of the animal, and as it is showered back on you exponentially, you find a new set of wires in your nervous system, a new reflex develops and you are generating love as fast as it comes back to you.

I have been irretrievably overindulged by dogs, and most recently by Lilac, who found her way to us four years ago from the euthanasia list at a shelter in Tennessee. She arrived with scarring that was both visible and unseen, full of wildness and worms, hesitant to trust, freshly spayed after her most recent litter, and yet continuing to gestate something irrepressible, something that allows dogs to rest and wait in kill shelters with quiet urgency, with trust in the Universe, with a Buddha-like ability to sit and stay in the moment of uncertainty and fear, that is common to animals yet attained by few gurus.

I now occupy the center of her life. She wants only to be near me, rarely disagrees but is always polite in doing so, and looks up at me in awe when I am blowing my nose.

Of all the things I want to be in my life- respected, influential, and most definitely unconditionally loved and in tune with the frequencies of healing, I have already arrived, for I am the focus of the heart and soul, of the steady adoring gaze of this being that has somehow, by grace and grit found her way to me, who has known me and somehow, in a god-like way continued to revere me, as if she and those who came before her know something holy and healing about me that is obvious to her and yet something I would chase, but might never know, until viewed through the eyes of a dog.